My Son and I are Yankees fans (pictured here at Wrigley Field in Chicago on Friday June 6th, 2003 when the Yanks beat the Cubs 5-3 while playing them for the first time in 60 years-it was the first time the Yankees played under the lights there), as we carry on the tradition of rooting for the team that was a favorite of my father's; no we are not from New York (my son lives in Arizona and I am in Illinois)...but my Dad was a Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig fan as a youth: I was in little league growing up but track became my sport of choice and I went on to consistently win or place in many high and low hurdle contests...but I always followed son became very good at baseball and stayed with it from t-ball through the end of highschool. We now try to get together at least once a year to take in a Yankees game in New York at Yankees Stadium...and so to those good times with my son, RJ, this blog is devoted
...My son RJ, a center-fielder in highschool
...The subway sign to Yankee Stadium from Central Park West
..."The Dynasty"
...Babe Ruth's "called shot", the home run The Bambino hit in the fifth inning of Game 3 of the 1932 World Series, held on 1 October 1932 at Wrigley Field in Chicago
..."Mt. Crushmore" includes Babe Ruth
The Baby Modeling Experience...Are You Ready?
It's standing room only for some of the moms, dads, and tots who crowd into
Dynasty Models on a recent Wednesday at a casting call for baby models. Over
16 years ago